Electromagnetic Effects and Threats

High Power Electromagnetics (HPEM)

Since the early nineties, the INT has focused its research on threats caused by novel electromagnetic effects, particularly by high power electromagnetics (HPEM):

  • Development of measurement techniques for microwave coupling measurements (probes, antennas, analyzer systems, mode-stirred chambers)
  • Fixed and mobile irradiation facilities for medium and high power pulsed microwaves
  • EMC measurement technology for modern materials (CFRP, GRP)
  • EMC measurement technology and methods in view of the »generalized EMC« incl. HPEM protection and for the higher gigahertz range
  • Theoretical-physical research on HPEM generation and propagation as well as on criminal and terrorist HPEM threat scenarios
  • Analyzing new technological developments in the area of electromagnetic effects (terahertz radiation, metamaterials).