Network of European Hubs for Civil Protection and Crisis Management

Network of European Hubs for Civil Protection and Crisis Management

Client: European Commission, DG ECHO (European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations)

Tender No.: ECHO/A4/SER/2018/15

Coordinator: Ecorys NL

Consortium: 7 partners from 6 European countries

Term: 01/2019-03/2020

Budget: ~ 1.5 Mio. €

Project Type: Tender (Preparatory Action)

Objective: The overall objective of the project was to develop a concept for European hubs for civil protection and disaster management. The main role of the hubs should be to ensure an optimum use of the disaster risk management knowledge and expertise that exists in Europe, through its further integration into existing practice, and vice versa.

The project developed a European pilot hub, focused on wildfires risk management (including mega-fires risks in the Union). The project brought together four different components: (i) study and analysis; (ii) applied sciences for risk assessment to support decision-making process in emergency response; (iii) preparedness actions, such as multinational specialised training and exercises, and (iv) increased response capabilities. The Preparatory Action supported the objectives of the UCPM, and aimed at scaling up the European dimension of disaster risk management, particularly in view of the rescEU capacities.

Fraunhofer INT Task: Fraunhofer INT mainly contributed to strands i) and ii) mentioned above. It was responsible for conducting expert interviews and interactive, co-creative workshop sessions to understand end-user needs and to translate them into functionalities of the Hub.